, The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy, pp.329-496, 1976.

, a more deterministic or mechanistic formulation, referring to the way in which the stripes in Stella's early stripe paintings, for example, echo or are derived from the literal shape of the painting. (See AO, 23-4.) A lingering association of the idea of acknowledgment with this form of simple (parallel) repetition seems to explain the statement in "Shape as Form, The term "acknowledgment" was intended to replace Fried's earlier conception of "deductive structure

S. Mallarmé, Igitur, Oeuvres Complètes, 2 vols, vol.1, p.478, 1998.

M. Fried, Courbet's Realism, p.285, 1990.

, For example, he sees in Manet's paintings of the 1860s an acknowledgment of "the primordial convention that paintings are made to be beheld, p.286, 1996.

C. Greenberg, See also "Sculpture in our Time" and "Modernist Painting" in the same volume, as well as Fried's discussion in AO, 33-40 and 66, The Collected Essays and Criticism, vol.4, p.131, 1993.

, It is possible that in the concept of acknowledgment we may witness Fried prizing the term away from Greenberg's theorizing, with Cavell's help, thus overcoming the influence of the elder critic

. Greenberg, Modernist Painting, p.89

, Unfortunately, I continued to deploy the concept of explicitness in connection with that of acknowledgment in 'Shape as Form' and subsequent essays, which I think was a mistake: part of the point of stressing acknowledgment in those contexts was to avoid the pitfalls of the idea of making explicit, and I wish I had kept the two terms rigorously separate. And yet the fact that I did not, indeed that the phrases 'explicit acknowledgment' and 'explicitly acknowledge' came so readily to hand, suggests that the distinction in question was (and, I think, p.285

. Cavell, The Claim of Reason, 428; cited by Michael Fried, Courbet's Realism, p.364

. Cavell, Must We Mean What We Say? 257

. Cavell, The World Viewed, p.109

S. Lisa-siraganian, Art and Surrogate Personhood, nonsite.org, vol.21, 2017.