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, For a sympathetic account of Greenspan's response to the crisis, see Mallaby 2016: 648-71. For a general history of the crisis, see Tooze, 2018.

, On Minc's role as an economist regularly brought out in the media to offer an orthodox line, and in particular as one who failed to foresee the crisis, see the documentary film Les Nouveaux Chiens de garde, 2012.

, Stiegler has engaged with the crisis from its immediate aftermath (2009) to the present. In this section I discuss Stiegler's allusions to Greenspan in his major texts since the crisis, p.125, 2017.

, Stiegler is thinking here of Marx and Engels, 1978.

, For a discussion of sources, autobiographical elements and major readings of the tale, see Palermo di Stefano, 2017.

, Both Flaubert's Julien and 'Les Reniements du Maestro' contain ironic hagiographical elements, 2011.

, Alongside Tooze 2018, see for example Snyder, 2018.